A Beginning in the middle of a Army Career

A Beginning in the middle of a Army Career
commissioning ceremony

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Make new friends but keep the old, some are silver other's gold!

The childhood saying (the one I learned in Girl Scouts) 'Make new friends but keep the old, some are silver the other's gold' gave way to a new meaning that first year. I began to venture out of my trailer to meet my peers. I was very reluctant at first, due to the fact that I was born and raised with the same group in Iowa. I graduated from pre-school, middle school, and high school with the same friends. I was one of the few that left our hometown to "see the world". All the girls in the trailer park had children the same age as my son, except Ann. I noticed the common bond and did not realize at the time but this foreshadowed the Army Culture (as I refer to it currently). The girl's referred to our babies as deployment babies, which I questioned and soon became educated on the phrasing. We all became pregnant with our children before our husband's / fiance's deployed to the conflict in the Gulf. We also all gave birth to our children without the father's being present. Our friendship grew quickly and we formed a sisterhood. Similiar to the one I had with my friends, Lorraine and Shanell back home. I was now coming into my own, figuring out MY beliefs, and developing connections with others based on who I was instead of who I was being told to be. I loved it! "Finally" I thought, "This is freedom."
During that year, I traveled home on a couple of occasions. I spend plenty of time with my childhood girlfriends. Our relationship had changed. We "played the part" of adults well with each other and allowed the growth (or at least the attempt of growth). Shanell was now married to Jody; her high school sweetheart, and it showed they were so in love. Lorraine and Bobby were still dating, and I can not remember if they were openly engaged or if it was still being discussed. Lorraine and I would relive our "glory days" in the Valley, cruise the strip and then go out for dinner. I was envious of her being able to attend college, and she of me being able to move away. I had no idea my visit in February 1992 would be the last time I would spend with Lorraine. I received a phone call from my Mom on April 20,1992, that Lorraine and another high school classmate were in a tragic car accident returning from college. Jenny (the other classmate) was killed instantly and Lorraine was declared brain dead at the time of arrival. (Her family kept her on life support for two months.) I was in shock. I began to scream "WHY, Not Lorraine! Our class was suppose to break the curse. None of us are suppose to DIE!" My Mom tried to console me, "You know that there comes a time when we all die, honey." I was so mad at her for saying that statement. How dare she say that about Lorraine, My Lorraine, My BEST Friend....Goodbye Lorraine.
Some are Silver
Other's Gold
Lorraine will always remain "Gold"

I attended Lorraine's funeral that first year and changed forever.
From that moment, I was determined to cherish my child/ren. Jenny (the other victim in the accident) left a son. He is only four months older than my son.
I vowed to persue my dream of college.
I started to learn the meaning of true love and 'sisterhood'.

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